100% DONATION POLICY // Charity Reg. Number: 1147370

Water Hand Pumps

As the sun beats down on the parched land of Myanmar, the Rohingya Muslims continue to suffer in their time of need.

They are in desperate need of clean water to quench their thirst and nourish their bodies.

Many of the Rohingya have to walk for miles in search of water, often risking their safety and health.

The water they do find is often contaminated and can lead to illnesses such as diarrhea and cholera. This is especially dangerous during Ramadan, when Muslims fast from dawn to sunset and need to stay hydrated to remain healthy.

You can make a difference in the lives of the Rohingya Muslims by supporting the installation of water hand pumps in their communities.

These pumps provide a reliable source of clean water that is easily accessible, allowing the Rohingya to stay hydrated and healthy during Ramadan and beyond.


will cover the cost of an entire water pump.


7 Park Ave, Old Trafford, Stretford, Manchester M16 9PW

Phone 07879 650677

Email info@globalaidfoundation.co.uk

Charity Bank Details

Lloyds Bank

Sort code: 30-84-63

A/C Number: 59225968

IBAN: GB98LOYD30846359225968

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If the reference is unclear, the funds will be automatically added to Global Aid Foundation's Sadaqah fund.