100% DONATION POLICY // Charity Reg. Number: 1147370

Orphan Sponsorship

As the holy month of Ramadan approaches, you can bring rays of hope to the Rohingya Muslims in their time of need.

Many Rohingya orphans are forced to live in harsh conditions, lacking access to even the most basic resources.

They often face hunger, sickness, and neglect, without anyone to care for them or look after their well-being.

The ongoing conflict and displacement have only made the situation worse, leaving many children without parents or support systems to turn to.

Your support can make a tangible difference in the lives of these vulnerable children.


to sponsor an orphan every month.


is all you need to give to sponsor an Orphan for a year.


7 Park Ave, Old Trafford, Stretford, Manchester M16 9PW

Phone 07879 650677

Email info@globalaidfoundation.co.uk

Charity Bank Details

Lloyds Bank

Sort code: 30-84-63

A/C Number: 59225968

IBAN: GB98LOYD30846359225968

Please provide a CLEAR REFERENCE

of where you would like your donations to go.

If the reference is unclear, the funds will be automatically added to Global Aid Foundation's Sadaqah fund.