100% DONATION POLICY // Charity Reg. Number: 1147370

Qurbani Project

Qurbani 2022

in Myanmar

Qurbani project in Myanmar is providing food and other resources to Rohingya families in need.

Donations help distribute meals, education, economic empowerment and other resources to thousands of families in the region, easing the suffering of those affected by poverty and conflict.

Emergency supplies delivered at the hardest times.

We have been on the ground in Burma for years, supporting the Rohingya Muslims in times of hardship - even in times where it has been difficult to supply aid.

Winter & Ramadan Projects 2022

Your donations stretch all year round

Throughout the entire year, we are continuously supporting the Rohingya Muslim community.

With our 100% Donation Policy, every penny counts - you can see our historical records with the Charity Commission here.


7 Park Ave, Old Trafford, Stretford, Manchester M16 9PW

Phone 07879 650677

Email info@globalaidfoundation.co.uk

Charity Bank Details

Lloyds Bank

Sort code: 30-84-63

A/C Number: 59225968

IBAN: GB98LOYD30846359225968

Please provide a CLEAR REFERENCE

of where you would like your donations to go.

If the reference is unclear, the funds will be automatically added to Global Aid Foundation's Sadaqah fund.

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